Ready for Milan!: Atlanta Stretch at Ipack-IMA

Knowing the market and keeping up to date with the industry is one of the requirements of any company. Hispack 2018 was a great opportunity to get in touch with many of you, and to learn about the future of packaging. On this occasion, Atlanta Stretch’s pallet wrappers, Comarme‘s sealers and formers, and LP Packaging’s shrink wrappers move to Fiera Milano. Many metres of possibilities to improve your warehouse. Are you ready? We will keep you informed.

A change of wrapper: Lybra Easy and EVA, innovations

Hispack marked the starting point of two new machines that are to be entry brand models. The Lybra Easy follows in the footsteps of the Lybra range. It is a rotating arm wrapper that allows you to handle very heavy and unstable loads, with the guarantee of stability that you need. On the other hand, the EVA is a low-cost model preceding the Synthesi. It is a simple but robust machine that wraps safely, and will be your best ally if your pallet rate / hour is not excessively high.

Discovering the future

Will there be any news? We can’t go into detail but the day-to-day life of Atlanta is always about trying to improve. During the sessions at Ipack-IMA we will explain everything that is happening. Pay attention to networks! LINKEDIN / FACEBOOK.